October 2020


2020-10-21T16:02:01+02:00October 21st, 2020|Team news|

Having planned to travel and physically attend the EEASA conference 2020 in South Africa, it’s cancellation due to coronavirus was a heart breaker for me. But then a move was made by the organizers to have the conference online, I was not so thrilled having had some disastrous online meetings before. Nonetheless, I went ahead to register and even invited as many friends as I could to be part of the conference. The online conference was scheduled for the 6th and 7th October 2020 and was to be conducted via Zoom.  On the first day, I logged in at 9 am and there was a welcome remark from the organizers firstly. Then we got a history of how EEASA started and just knowing that it was an initiative of incredible and dedicated but yet humble people some of whom are my colleagues is remarkable. The two days ended as soon as they began. The sessions were interactive, educational, and informative with inspirational speakers discussing real-life matters in education, policy, environment, agriculture among others. One of my best discussions was on climate change education and I felt as though the discussion should be pushed forward because climate change is a global [...]

June 2020

Corona conferencing for VET4.0!!

2020-06-29T21:51:13+02:00June 29th, 2020|Team news|

This year’s Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference was due to be held in Birmingham (UK), but was transferred online due to restrictions related to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  The VET Africa 4.0 project was represented by Sidney Muhangi (Alice case study, South Africa).  The presentation entitled: “A Social skills ecosystem approach to workstream mapping for VET Africa 4.0 research: Initial insights from agricultural advisory services workstream”, formed part of the Skill Development and Rural Transformation Panel. Thank you to Sidney and Heila for putting together the presentation, and to Simon, Presha and the Uganda team who were involved in the development of this topic at various stages.             You can see Sidney's video presentation here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BPNDMYBkeenMzrNqp1-dBjjikUbVwuhi/view

Team JVET publications

2020-06-29T22:08:08+02:00June 29th, 2020|Academic Papers, Team news|

We are pleased to announce two new JVET articles from VET Africa 4.0 team members. Steph Allais: Skills for industrialisation in SSA https://tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13636820.2020.1782455 Simon McGrath: New VET theories for new times https://tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13636820.2020.1786440 Please contact the authors if access if needed.   Enjoy reading!

Award winning Scovia

2020-06-11T07:34:34+02:00June 11th, 2020|Team news|

The VET Africa 4.0 team is pleased to congratulate our project colleague Scovia Adrupio who was recognised as an Outstanding Assistant Rotaract Representative in both Uganda and Tanzania.  We know that Scovia is an outstanding member of the community and is passionate about creating positive change, but it is also great to see her being honoured in this way.  She is also a brilliant team member. Congratulations Scovia!  From all the VET Africa 4.0 team.

Ocan’s UK Winter Adventure

2020-06-11T13:01:32+02:00June 10th, 2020|Team news|

Hello, I am David Ocan, a researcher with VET AFRICA 4.0 and working on the Gulu case study. On the 25th Feb 2020, I made a maiden trip to the UK which was the first time I was travelling outside Africa and the second time I was making a trip on a plane in two months after travelling to South Africa in January.  My second trip was exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time as I was travelling alone, unlike the South African trip where I travelled with the whole team.So, this UK trip was the first time in many ways: first time travelling alone, first time travelling long distance, and first time travelling to a Western country. When I shared with some of my team members my fears I was offered various advice like “Heathrow is a very huge airport and it is easy to get lost in it”, and “many people travel so when the plane lands you may not even see the person who will welcome you in the airport”.One team member said I should not talk to anybody apart from the authorities as bad people tend to smell first time travellers and they can put [...]

May 2020

The Return of the Radio: researching in lock down

2020-05-30T06:17:13+02:00May 30th, 2020|Team news|

The Covid-19 Pandemic has had a large impact all around the world. In Uganda, the government reacted quickly by closing the borders, schools, non-essential businesses and banning travel and movement in general. The message was clear: stay home. The impact on youth livelihoods in Northern Uganda as a result of these measures will need to be studied. In terms of our research, the measures arrived as we are in the middle of data collection, and initially it left us scrambling. At first, we waited to see how long the restrictions would last, but as it became increasingly apparent that they are here for a while, we had to try to find a way to collect data in different ways. In Uganda, especially in the rural regions of Hoima and Gulu, it is not practical to move online because most people do not have access to or understanding of webchat platforms such as ZOOM. So, we have returned to our adult education roots, and taken to the radio. Community Learning Café and on-air data collection In Gulu, we were on the verge of hosting one of our Community Learning Cafe’s, to capture youth aspirations, challenges, and pathways in VET and we [...]

April 2020

ARG 7th International Conference, 25-27 August 2021

2020-04-02T14:26:11+02:00April 2nd, 2020|Academic Papers, Team news|

Announcement: The Africa Research Group (ARG) is pleased to announce that the 7th International Conference co-hosted by the University of Kigali School of Business and Management, Rwanda

Conference Theme: Contemporary developments in the management of organizations in Africa: tapping into indigenous knowledge and developing viable partnerships. More information on dates and submission details here.

March 2020

ELRC for Covid-19 Update

2020-03-30T21:58:55+02:00March 26th, 2020|Team news, Uncategorized|

Dear Colleagues and Partners
We wish to inform you that as per the national lockdown requirements for the COVID-19 in South Africa (from 26 March to 17 April 2020), that all Rhodes University Environmental Learning Research Centre staff and scholars will be working remotely until further notice. The ELRC buildings on the Rhodes University campus will, therefore, be closed. Should you have any queries, please contact Samantha Abdul on s.abdul@ru.ac.za who will forward your message to the relevant person.

Curriculum review – Fort Cox Agricultural and Forestry Training Institute

2020-03-26T22:56:45+02:00March 26th, 2020|Team news, Uncategorized|

Curriculum review – Fort Cox Agricultural and Forestry Training Institute In January the VET Africa 4.0 team participated in the consultative curriculum review symposium at Fort Cox Agriculture and Forestry Training Institute (FCAFTI).  FCAFT is a vocational training institute which majors in four agricultural specialty areas namely Crop Production, Animal Production, Agribusiness, and Forestry offered mostly at diploma level (NQF level 6). In keeping with its curricula related policies, FCAFTI is required to conduct extensive consultations with industry stakeholders whenever curricula are developed, reviewed or updated. As such, FCAFTI is obliged to update its curricula on a yearly basis and review them every five years. The updating and review processes serve to ensure that the curricula remain relevant and responsive to the ever changing trends in the agricultural industry.  The purpose of the consultative symposium was to review curricula of the existing diploma programmes for Crop Production and Agribusiness, while at the same time help in developing a curriculum for a proposed advanced diploma programme. While consultation would have been conducted only with local stakeholders from the industry, organisers of the event sought to take advantage of a scheduled VET4.0 visit to South Africa which had potential to introduce [...]

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